Friday, December 28, 2007

im giving up again.
yes again.
there will be a next time.
i don't learn from my mistakes.
that is why i am a fool.

but that is only part of the reason why i am a fool.

i'm gonna move on.
don't know why i wanted to write that.
i just got so bored with time and imagination.

this will now be solely for ranting my frustrations.

i don't know what i want to rant about.
everything i guess.
but which one first?
i'm beginning to feel apprehensive about pouring my heart out onto a blog.
after reading harry potter for the millionth time
and about ginny and riddle's diary.
yes, i guess i am foolish.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


i know i can't possibly be a good writer. but as humans, i trust that we all have this need to rant. and my soul purpose of setting up this blog is to get all these confused thoughts and ideas sorted out and out of my head. so here we go!